Conor Bezane is a music-meister who has written for MTV News, AOL, and VICE. He is a recovering bipolar addict who can be found digging through the crates at a local record store when he’s not attacking his keyboard, writing nonfiction. His first book, The Bipolar Addict, is available now on Amazon.

Bipolar Geniuses: Kurt Cobain — Reminiscing On His Everlasting Legacy on the 25th Anniversary of His Death

With his trademark sky-blue Fender Mustang guitar and godforsaken, angst-ridden scream of a voice, Kurt Cobain mobilized a generation of freaks and geeks in the early ‘90s, knocking Michael Jackson off the top of the Billboard charts and chaperoning the mainstream into a new age of enlightenment fueled by punk and alternative rock. For Generation…

How Daylight Savings Lifted Me Out of an Excruciating Depression

It’s no secret that I suffer from seasonal affective disorder. The darkness that dangles over wintertime, in combo with the cold, leads to a depression that hovers over me throughout the season, exacerbating my bipolar symptoms. I don’t know if it was the light of day growing stronger that did it, or the new medication regimen I’m on, but I recently lifted myself out of an abysmal depression.